Wednesday 22 June 2011

Our welcoming party, Iona

Thanks to all our supporters!

This is me! A mere shadow of Sunday's sillouette!

Ewan in the rain, yet triumphant!

The end

So we are finally here at the very end! We had very little rain until the last 5 mins when it was torrential! Thee was a huge welcoming party of Iona Davis- well done Iona, who has also organised our meal out tonight! We are celebrating with a burger and a pint. I managed to spill the contents of my pannier bag twice in the pub!
More photos to follow!
Oh and thanks for donations now in excess of £5300!! We are flabbergasted by everyone's generosity!

Nick and Ewan

Tuesday 21 June 2011

At Last!

Denham is on the western outskirts of London. We have found, by pure chance, a lovely gastro-pub, where we can while away a couple of hours recharging our batteries, slaking our thirst, and eating well! 44 miles 3 days running and we are both slightly achey! Just short of our target, but confident of achieving it!
Nick and Ewan

Wow! Canal in London

Nearly at Denham

rural England at its best!

Three eras of transport!


We have just got to the M25! Indeed I'm underneath it!

Our first fan clubber

James, an old colleague from BT, bought us a drink in Berkhamstead!

GRASs track again

Just s of Leighton buzzard, back to grass track! Also now windy.

Good progress so far!

Good track today! Also on bike route 6!
Fingers crossed. We need it!

Ewan pretending to map read I found out later!
This was taken at Cosgrove.

Stoke Bruerne

This would have been a great place to stop last night if we had had the energy to do 66 miles today! Hoho. So we rebooked and set off for Bletchley thinking the towpaths in the south were paved with Tarmac. Alas no. More bumpy grass than Sunday wore us out and the last hour to bletchley was torment! And it was raining!

Braunston locks

Taken yesterday morning whe we were still fresh and chipper!

Grim determination

Here is a picture of my gritty resolve taken yesterday. Connectivity poor but ok now at Bletchley station. More to follow as a catch up with baclog of photos.

Saturday 18 June 2011

Arrived at base camp

Ewan and I are now discussing logistics at the Clarendon in Leamington Spa, with a couple of pints of Hereford Pale Ale.

Preparing to leave

Unfortunately its pouring. I need to get to Leamington Spa, our base camp for the first 2 days. So I have got everything I need EXCEPT A FRONT MUDGUARD. Some things need to be fitted, and I need to pack as little as possible to last until Wednesday evening.
More news as it comes!

Why neuroblastoma?

While our motivation is partly to improve our fitness we thought we should also try and support an appropriate good cause and have chosen to support the Neuroblastoma Society of which our mutual friend Steve Smith is Chair.

In July 1997, just before her first birthday, Steve's younger daughter was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer. Like most people he had never heard of neuroblastoma, but learned a lot over the next few weeks and months as she was treated with chemotherapy and surgery. Her treatment was effective and she'll be 15 in a few weeks, but the majority of the 100 or so children who are diagnosed every year in the UK are not so fortunate - more children die of neuroblastoma than any other form of cancer.

Steve's been a member of the Neuroblastoma Society ( for a few years now and is currently the chair of the Trustees. The charity raises funds for research into the causes and treatment of this disease, aiming to ensure a happier outcome for more children and their families. Over the years the Society has made grants exceeding £2.5M, a great effort for a charity which depends entirely on volunteers.

The Society is the biggest single funder of research in this field in the UK and a lot of this work just wouldn't happen without it. The next grant round kicks off later this year and Steve and his colleagues are trying to make sure they have £1M available.
The more you donate the more difficult it will be for us to give up after the first 3 miles and the more we are likely to suffer so please give generously. So please dig deep and donate now - to

Nick Booth

PS Tell your friends and colleagues!